Soon, delectable posts on politics, sports, American society, and other word garbage will come pouring in; it will be as if the garbage man himself dropped off the pile of rot. Stinking stories with real conflict will be available for the ignorant to get a whiff of, and then run away unable to understand the stench. But sometimes delicious eggs smell like a rancid fart.
Small things will come in-like how "The Situation" from Jersey Shore is getting a book deal and will single handedly misdirect American knowledge of the mentally retarded.
Sometimes analytical; sometimes critical; sometimes thoughtful; sometimes satirical. I will comb over politics and sports. I will dabble into movies and TV. Hopefully I will do this while making you laugh sporadically. Hopefully I will offend you-early and often. Hopefully you can understand where I am coming from when I am serious and describing myself. If not, then laugh at my emotional instability in solitude. Jackass.
Most of all, this blog is to improve my writing, which is currently sub-par. SUBCONSCIOUS: Starts laughing at this overly positive and exaggerated idea of "sub-par."
So, without further introduction, or instructions for your assumptions, I'm Skitz...Let's Get Ready to Ramble!